Further reading

Last revised 23 February 2024.

Anson, Elizabeth and Florence Anson. 1925. Mary Hamilton: Afterwards Mrs. John Dickenson: At Court and at home. From letters and diaries: 1756-1816. London: John Murray.
Anson, Major-General Sir Archibald Edward Harbord. 1920. About others and myself, 1745 to 1920. London: John Murray.
Buckley, J[ohn] S[haw]. 1910. The history of Birch-in-Rusholme: Being an account of the Birch, Dickenson and Anson families, the history of Birch chapel and church, etc.. London and Manchester: Sherratt & Hughes.
Crawley, Lisa. 2014. A life recovered: Mary Hamilton, 1756-1816. Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 90(2), 27-46.
Gardner, Anne-Christine. 2018. Downward social mobility in eighteenth-century English: A micro-level analysis of the correspondence of Queen Charlotte, Mary Hamilton and Frances Burney. Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 119(1), 71-100.
____________. 2022.Towards a companionate marriage in Late Modern England? Two critical episodes in Mary Hamilton's courtship letters to John Dickenson. In Bettelou Los, Claire Cowie, Patrick Honeybone & Graeme Trousdale (eds.), English Historical Linguistics: Change in structure and meaning: Papers from the XXth ICEHL, 288-307.
Gardner, Anne-Christine, Marianne Hundt and Moira Kindlimann. 2017. Digitization of the Mary Hamilton Papers. ICAME Journal 41, 83-110.
Harris, Jocelyn. 2015. Jane Austen, the Prince of Wales, and John Thorpe. Persuasions 37, 94-105.
Miegon, Anna. 2002. Biographical sketches of principal Bluestocking women. The Huntington Library Quarterly 65(1/2), 25-37.
Moore, Lisa L. 2005. Queer gardens: Mary Delany's flowers and friendships. Eighteenth-Century Studies 39(1), 49-70.
Pelling, Madeleine. 2018. Bluestocking collecting, craft and conversation in the Duchess of Portland’s museum, c. 1770 – 1786. PhD thesis, University of York.
____________. 2018. Collecting the world: Female friendship and domestic craft at Bulstrode Park. Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies 41(1), 101-120.
____________. 2019. Reimagining Elizabeth I and Mary Queen of Scots: Women’s historiography and domestic identities, c. 1750–1800. Women's History Review. DOI: 10.1080/09612025.2019.1666965
Smith, Nicholas D. 2006. Hannah More items in the Huntington Library: Correspondence and a poem. The Huntington Library Quarterly 69(4), 617-29.
Voloshkova, Natalia. 2017. The dutiful daughter: Mary Hamilton’s journal of her visit to Spa in 1776. In Penelope J. Corfield & Leonie Hannan (eds.), Hats off, gentlemen! Changing arts of communication in the eighteenth century, 9–108. Paris: Honoré Campion.
____________. 2017. ‘My Friend Mr H Walpole’: Mary Hamilton, Horace Walpole, and the art of conversation. Image [&] Narrative 18(3).
____________. 2021. Bluestockings and travel accounts. Reading, writing and collecting. Cambridge: Elements.
____________. 2023. Letters, poems, flowers and Bluestocking friendship: Mary Hamilton's collage-biography of Mary Delany. The Review of English Studies 74(314), 322–339. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/res/hgad012.

Details of how to cite the Mary Hamilton project, and the corpus, can be found here.