Single Letter


Letter from Martha Carolina Goldsworthy to Mary Hamilton

Diplomatic Text

                                                         Queens Lodge Friday Night --
                                                            Octbr.Novbr. 1779

Tho I have never had it in my power to write
yet I have often thought of you my Dst
I know seize the moment whilst Prʃs
is writing her German to as
I am as you know besides all my other
Capacitys Teacher, & her Leʃsons &
Prʃs Elizh are always with me in
English, they go on very well & desire
their Love, & I must do them Justice
that if they have not wrote it
has not been their fault, but
indeed they have not had time but
they talk of it -- Our Life has
gone on pretty much as usual, to
morrow is a Hunting day, whether

we go you know is always a
Secret, pray kiʃs Dear Prʃs Mary
& thank her for her Meʃsage, &
that the Queen was much pleased
with her ------ good resolutions.
Mrs Tolpey appeared at Chapel
last Wednesday with in a Grey
Riding Habit there is no describing
her Figure, I did keep my Countenance
but Mr Lyte & Col. Hotham laughd
the whole time, I wish you could
have seen it. God Bleʃs you my Dst
will you be so good as to give
my Love to Miʃs Harriot & tell
her the first moment I can I
will write & thank her for her
very entertaining Letter I am
                             most Affly Yr
                                       MCG --
Love to Chi Chi --

      Pray kiss Prʃs Sophia --

Miʃs Hamilton

Novbr. 1779[1]

(hover over blue text or annotations for clarification;
red text is normalised and/or unformatted in other panel)


 1. The address is written sideways, and the page is reproduced so that the address appears horizontal.

Normalised Text

                                                         Queens Lodge Friday Night --

Though I have never had it in my power to write
yet I have often thought of you my Dearest
I now seize the moment whilst Princess
Augusta is writing her German as
I am as you know besides all my other
Capacities Teacher, & her Lessons &
Princess Elizabeth are always with me in
English, they go on very well & desire
their Love, & I must do them Justice
that if they have not written it
has not been their fault, but
indeed they have not had time but
they talk of it -- Our Life has
gone on pretty much as usual, to
morrow is a Hunting day, whether

we go you know is always a
Secret, pray kiss Dear Princess Mary
& thank her for her Message, &
that the Queen was much pleased
with her good resolutions.
Mrs Tolpey appeared at Chapel
last Wednesday in a Grey
Riding Habit there is no describing
her Figure, I did keep my Countenance
but Mr Lyte & Colonel Hotham laughed
the whole time, I wish you could
have seen it. God Bless you my Dearest
will you be so good as to give
my Love to Miss Harriot & tell
her the first moment I can I
will write & thank her for her
very entertaining Letter I am
                             most Affectionately Yours
                                       Martha Carolina Goldsworthy --
Love to Chi Chi --

      Pray kiss Princess Sophia --

Miss Hamilton

(consult diplomatic text or XML for annotations, deletions, clarifications, persons,
spellings, uncorrected forms, split words, abbreviations, formatting)

 1. The address is written sideways, and the page is reproduced so that the address appears horizontal.


Library References

Repository: John Rylands Research Institute and Library, University of Manchester

Archive: Mary Hamilton Papers

Item title: Letter from Martha Carolina Goldsworthy to Mary Hamilton

Shelfmark: HAM/1/14/33

Correspondence Details

Sender: Martha Carolina Goldsworthy

Place sent: Windsor

Addressee: Mary Hamilton

Place received: London

Date sent: November 1779

Letter Description

Summary: Letter from Martha Carolina Goldsworthy to Mary Hamilton, relating to the princesses, especially Elizabeth and Augusta.
    Dated at the Queen's Lodge.

Length: 1 sheet, 241 words

Transliteration Information

Editorial declaration: First edited in the project 'Image to Text' (David Denison & Nuria Yáñez-Bouza, 2013-2019), now incorporated in the project 'Unlocking the Mary Hamilton Papers' (Hannah Barker, Sophie Coulombeau, David Denison, Tino Oudesluijs, Cassandra Ulph, Christine Wallis & Nuria Yáñez-Bouza, 2019-2023).

All quotation marks are retained in the text and are represented by appropriate Unicode characters. Words split across two lines may have a hyphen on the first, the second or both fragments (reco-|ver, imperfect|-ly, satisfacti-|-on); or a double hyphen (pur=|port, dan|=ger, qua=|=litys); or none (respect|ing). Any point in abbreviations with superscripted letter(s) is placed last, regardless of relative left-right orientation in the original. Thus, Mrs. or Mrs may occur, but or Mr.s do not.

Acknowledgements: XML version: Research Assistant funding in 2018/19 provided by the Department of Linguistics and English Language, University of Manchester.

Research assistant: Chenming Gao, undergraduate student, University of Manchester

Transliterator: Richard Mole, MA student, Uppsala University (submitted June 2019)

Cataloguer: Lisa Crawley, Archivist, The John Rylands Library

Cataloguer: John Hodgson, Head of Special Collections, John Rylands Research Institute and Library

Copyright: Transcriptions, notes and TEI/XML © the editors

Revision date: 3 March 2024

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